Winter Proof Your Body & Mind!

Top Tips for Tackling Your Seasonal Depression

I know I’m not the only one who’s SHOCKED every year when the clocks turn back, it’s dark at 4pm, and suddenly I’m struggling to function like a human. Whether you’ve been clinically diagnosed with SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) or just struggle to find motivation in the winter months, today I’m going to share a few tips for standing strong in your routine so that you can continue to work through your goals during our darkest season.

Here are some common things you might experience as we transition from fall to winter:

  • Feelings of fatigue or lethargy

  • Sleeping more than usual or struggling to get out of bed in the morning 

  • Social withdrawal or a desire to “hibernate”

  • Loss of interest or pleasure in your regular hobbies or activities

  • Increased sad, anxious or “empty” moods


These feelings can be challenging in themselves without the added pressure we get from the fitness industry and social media that tells us it’s “grind season” and “summer bodies are made in the winter”. (Summer bodies are just bodies in the summer, FYI ) 

It might feel hard to marry your winter blues feelings with the desire to make significant progress towards your goals. So let’s get into some practical steps to stay happy, healthy, and on track with your goals through the new year!

Adjust your routine to align with daylight hours: if you’re finding yourself getting tired earlier, adjust your daily schedule by an hour or two to make sure you can still accomplish what you need in the day. Take advantage of the early morning light to get your day started a little bit earlier and prioritize tackling your largest tasks before sunset. (added benefit: get used to being more of a morning person if that’s something you’ve been aiming for!)

Make it easy to go to the gym: don’t let the outdoor changes compromise your inner goals. One way to ensure you will stick to your gym routine is to make it a mandatory part of your day. Add it to your daily schedule, choose your workout outfit the night before and set it out, set up your pre-workout snack and hydration the night before. Make it as simple and intuitive as humanly possible to get your workouts done! (added benefit: working out will increase the happy chemicals in your brain which can help combat some of those winter blues feelings we all get). 

Let light in: Start your day directly exposed to sunlight! Lots of research has been done on this topic in the last few years, and what they’ve found is that exposing yourself to sunlight first thing in the morning helps set your circadian rhythm (your sleep cycle), strengthens your immune system, reduces stress, and improves mental health. You can take up this habit by stepping outside first thing in the morning, taking your morning coffee looking out the window, or even just opening all your blinds upon waking up. 

Vitamin D & other supplements: If you are feeling particularly fatigued, lethargic, or down, I’d encourage you to look into supplements that can support your overall health and mood. For example, many of us get less sun during the winter which can lead to a Vitamin D deficiency. Each person is different so you’ll achieve the best results by getting screened by your doctor and purchasing the specific vitamins that your body needs. Some supplements that are commonly used among women include: Vitamin D, magnesium, fish oil, iron. 

Stay connected to loved ones (especially those who uplift you and hold you accountable): it can be tempting to go into hibernation during colder months. And while that is natural, staying connected to your loved ones is a great way to keep your spirits up through the winter blues and hold you accountable to achieving your goals. Whether you start a group chat with your gym friends or set weekly dates with your besties, feeling the love from those around you is a great way to energize yourself. 

Find seasonal activities: whether you celebrate winter holidays or not, this is typically a season with lots of events & activities - from light decorations to ice skating to s’more making. Activities are a great excuse to get out of the house, see friends or family, and change our mood. Challenge yourself to do monthly activities that get you out of your comfort zone and spark joy. Sometimes we just need a reminder of the fun that comes with the cold!

Keep showing up: this season can feel long. While that may be frustrating, it also means we have plenty of opportunities to try again & show up for yourself. Don’t stress if you need a few extra days in bed or struggle to stay motivated all the time. Consistency is king over here so as long as you refuse to give up, and you commit to showing up as much as you can…


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