For the Love of YOU

February is pretty universally known as the month of LOVE and we spend a lot of time talking about how to increase the love in our lives and have amazing relationships. So this month, we’re keeping with the theme and talking about the love in our most important relationship - the one we have with ourselves. 

Whether you know it yet, your fitness journey is inseparable from your self love journey. The actions you take on your health and fitness journey are a direct reflection of how you feel about yourself and I’m going to dive into some ways we can live a healthier life by cultivating a healthier relationship with ourselves.

Most people start going to the gym because of a physical goal they want to achieve. I want to lose 10 pounds, I want a bigger butt, I want a 6-pack (all of which are 100% valid reasons to get that gym membership btw!) Thankfully, what many of us find is that creating a workout routine ends up providing us with a ton of other benefits - our energy increases, our mental health improves, our strength grows, our confidence expands. This is not a fluke. If you’ve read my previous newsletters I’ve talked about the physiological and biological processes that happen when we work out and how they translate to improved mental, physical and emotional health. 

The reason that’s important this love month is because loving our bodies is about more than just liking our bodies when they look “the best,” it is about fully accepting our bodies in all states, showing ourselves unconditional compassion & feeling gratitude for all the ways our bodies support us every day. And I’d be lying if I said it’s easy to be unconditionally loving of your body & yourself. But the combination of physical transformation and mental & psychological benefits you get from working out are some of most universally-accepted & backed-by-research methods to unlocking more self confidence, acceptance & love.

The amazing thing is that taking care of your body can be both an act of self love and a tool to unlock more self love. Here are some ways that you can play out in your life:

Healthy habits as an act of self love: healthy habits are things you do to nourish yourself which in turn help you look, feel, and be better. By doing things that are healthy for us, we are showing our body that we care for it and want it to continue to flourish. This might look like:

  • Stretching out a painful spot at the end of the day to give our joints some relief

  • Going to the gym because we know the happy chemicals we release during a workout will make us feel better 

  • Eating foods that don’t irritate our stomach to keep your body feeling healthy and strong

  • Taking a bath or getting a massage to honor our body’s hard work and it’s need for rest

  • Spending time in the sun to replenish your body’s vitamin D

Healthy habits as a step towards self love: even if you don’t feel in love with your current body, life, or situation, here are a few ways that healthy habits can help move you in the right direction. 

  • Showing up to the gym on days you’re less motivated can increase how much you trust yourself because it provides you with a proof point that you are a disciplined, capable and reliable person who WILL show up for themselves and their goals no matter what

  • Trying an exercise, class or food out of your comfort zone can build self efficacy because it proves that you are capable of doing new or hard things - and you might even enjoy them

  • Spending time with loved ones can remind you of all your positive qualities and replenish your mental health

  • Journaling can allow you to get in touch with your emotions, express gratitude, and celebrate yourself 

  • Meditating or being present can remind you of all the things you have to be grateful for right now

These are just a few examples and they can absolutely look different for everyone. To get your juices flowing about your own self love journey, I’m sharing a few prompts to consider thinking or writing about this month. 

Self Love Journal Prompts

  • What does my dream life look like?

  • What does my daily routine look like?

  • Which elements of my routine are helping me move towards my dream life? Which elements are hindering me moving towards my dream life?

  • What limiting beliefs do I have that are keeping me from reaching my dream life?

  • Write a letter to yourself as if you were your best friend. Describe yourself and your accomplishments from their point of view.

  • When do I feel most confident in myself, and when do I feel the least confident in myself?

  • What people, places, and experiences bring me joy?

  • List all the things your body did for you today.

  • List all the reasons you’re grateful for your body.

If there’s one thing you take from this month’s newsletter, it’s that fitness (physical, mental & otherwise) is both an act of self love and a tool to increase self love. I encourage you to use it as both as you build the life & body of your dreams. 

At the end of the day, you are your longest commitment.
— Unknown

The Cycle & Fitness


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