Spring Refresh

Doing a Quarterly Review & Setting Goals for Spring

Spring is here & summer is practically knocking on the door! I don’t know about you all, but this year feels like it’s flying by already. A new season brings with it a sense of renewal and the perfect opportunity to revitalize your fitness routine and refresh your approach to health and happiness!

In January, I shared some tips for making (and keeping) new years fitness resolutions.  As we spring forward into a new season, I want us to take the opportunity to check in with ourselves. We often wait until the end of a year to review our goals and our accomplishments. However, a year is a long time. We might lose track of our goals, pivot to a new direction, or be a brand new person 12 months after a resolution. If we want to make sure we stick to our commitments - or change those commitments if they no longer serve us - it is in our best interest to check in with ourselves more often than once a year.

In that spirit, this month we’ll be talking about how to do a Q1 review AND how to spruce up our routine for spring to get us back on track towards the goals that are aligned with our long term vision for success.

What is a Q1 review?

A Q1 review is a mini-reflection on the first quarter of the year (January - March). If you want to check in with yourself about how your year is going and your progress on your new year’s goals, here are a few questions to ask yourself:

  • What worked well in your routine? What habits had a positive impact?

  • What challenges did you face? Were there specific obstacles you encountered?

  • Did your goals remain relevant? Are they still aligned with your desires and overall vision?

  • What could you do differently? How can you optimize your approach for better results?

Now, if you’re right on track with your goals - congratulations! You’re crushing it and I’m so proud of you. If you feel like your routine has gotten a little stale, here are a few tweaks and a mindset shift can reignite your passion and set you on track for a fulfilling Q2.

Here are some tips to infuse your routine with fresh energy:

  • Shift your focus: Instead of just chasing specific goals, prioritize the joy of movement and self-care. Explore new activities like dance, hiking, or swimming – discover what makes you feel truly alive!

  • Embrace the outdoors: As the weather warms up, trade the gym walls for fresh air workouts. Join a park yoga class, go for a brisk walk during lunch break, or try interval training at your local park. Check out the image below for a quick bodyweight circuit you could do in your backyard!

  • Spice up your dietary habits: Lean into the new season by making healthy & delicious meals with seasonal fruits and vegetables. Check out the image below for the produce in season this month! 

  • Join the Spring Into Fitness Challenge: shameless plug to join my next challenge starting on April 1 that will include four weeks of workouts, a ton of mindset and habit building support, group accountability, and more!

  • Practice Self-Compassion: Celebrate your victories and give yourself grace! Acknowledge your progress and recognize that great things don’t happen overnight. If you are still showing up for yourself, you are still creating opportunities to thrive!

Additional April Tips

Seasonal produce available this month for your grocery list & healthy recipes:

Monthly workout for you to try if you’re in a time crunch or getting acclimated to the gym (exercise demos linked below):

(3 sets of each exercise, 10 reps per set)

For more workouts & coaching guidance you can always check out my programs!


Mind Matters: Elevating Your Mental Health


The Cycle & Fitness