
Get Back on Track to Finish the Year Strong!

Happy September! I don’t know about you all, but September will forever feel like “back to school” season to me… even years after I’ve graduated from any academic institution. Although I no longer sign up for classes in September, I whole-heartedly believe in building on the “fresh start” momentum that back-to-school season brings to refocus on our health and wellbeing. In this month's newsletter, we'll revisit the fundamental principles of fitness and take a “back to school” approach to setting and achieving our fitness goals.

Clarifying Our Vision: Seeing & Living The Bigger Picture

A long-term vision is a clear and compelling picture of what you want your life or a specific aspect of it to look like in the future. It acts as your North Star, guiding your decisions and actions towards a desired destination. Clarifying your big vision is crucial for setting shorter-term goals because it provides:

  • Direction and Purpose: A long-term vision gives you a sense of direction, ensuring your short-term goals align with your overarching aspirations. It adds purpose to your daily actions, making them more meaningful and motivating.

  • Motivation and Focus: Knowing where you're headed in the long run fuels your motivation to tackle the smaller steps along the way. It helps you stay focused on what truly matters, preventing distractions and detours.

  • Decision-Making Framework: When faced with choices (like whether or not to go to the gym or stick to a diet), your long-term vision serves as a filter. It enables you to evaluate opportunities and challenges based on their alignment with your ultimate goals.

  • Resilience and Perseverance: Having a clear vision helps you navigate setbacks and obstacles with greater resilience. It reminds you of the bigger picture, empowering you to persevere even when things get tough.

  • Measurable Progress: A long-term vision provides a benchmark against which you can track your progress. By breaking it down into smaller, achievable goals, you can celebrate milestones and stay motivated on your journey.

Whether you realize it or not, you usually start our school year with a vision. It might be to graduate, make the honor roll, or become captain of our soccer team. The same commitment is crucial for your fitness journey. It reinforces your “why” and acts as a roadmap, guiding you through the complexities of life and ensuring your short-term goals contribute to your ultimate success and fulfillment.

Preparing Our Materials: Setting the Stage for Success

Regardless of whether you’re still in school, you probably have some recollection of back-to-school shopping (and if you don’t, just head to your nearest Target). I remember getting excited for new notebooks, binders, and outfits every year. Don’t worry - you don’t need to go shopping for this part, but preparing your materials and environment for health is a key step to building habits that stick. 

This might look like:

  • Selecting Workout Clothes: Choose comfortable and confidence-inspiring clothing that makes movement easy and makes you feel good about yourself. This not only enhances performance but also boosts confidence and motivation.

  • Setting Up Your Space: Designate a specific area for your workouts, whether it's a corner of your living room or a dedicated home gym. Ensure the space is well-lit, ventilated, and free from distractions.

  • Aligning Your Calendar: Schedule your workouts like any other important appointment. This helps prioritize fitness and reduces the likelihood of skipping sessions due to conflicting commitments.

  • Gathering Equipment and Resources: Have your workout essentials readily available. This could include setting out your outfit the night before a morning workout, making sure you have dumbbells on hand, or prepping your gym bag ahead of time.

  • Curating a Motivational Playlist: Music can be a powerful motivator. Create a playlist of upbeat songs that energize and inspire you during your workouts.

  • Mental Preparation: Visualize yourself completing your workout successfully. Set positive intentions and remind yourself of your fitness goals.

By taking these proactive steps, you're not just preparing for a single workout but laying the foundation for a long-term, sustainable fitness routine. Consistency is key, and a prepared environment and mindset can significantly contribute to your success.

Planning Out Your Routine: Making Fitness a Non-Negotiable Priority

Integrating fitness seamlessly into your daily life requires intentional planning and prioritization. Just like homework, classes & meetings, exercise needs to be scheduled and accounted for to ensure consistency and long-term success.

Planning fitness into your routine includes:

  • Scheduling Workouts: Treat your workouts like any other important appointment. Block off dedicated time in your calendar, ensuring it aligns with your energy levels and other commitments.

  • Evaluating Your Calendar: Analyze your daily and weekly schedule to identify pockets of free time that can be allocated to exercise. Take a birds-eye view to confirm whether there are consistent times you can commit to yourself. Be creative and flexible, considering early mornings, lunch breaks, or evenings.

  • Creating Accountability: Grab workout buddy, join a fitness class, or hire me as your coach. Having someone to share the journey with or a structured environment can boost motivation and commitment.

By proactively planning fitness into your routine, you're transforming exercise from a sporadic activity into a non-negotiable priority. This intentional approach not only fosters consistency but also helps you reap the numerous physical and mental benefits of regular exercise. Remember, it's about making fitness a part of your lifestyle, not just a fleeting goal.

Preparing for Bumps in the Road: Navigating Challenges and Staying on Track

Embarking on a fitness journey involves acknowledging that setbacks and challenges are inevitable. Life's unpredictability, whether it's a busy schedule, an illness, or a lack of motivation, can disrupt even the most well-intentioned routines. However, anticipating and planning for these setbacks can empower you to navigate them with resilience and get back on track swiftly.

Planning for setbacks in your routine includes:

  • Anticipating Challenges: As you set your vision, take a look at your “semester” and identify potential obstacles that could derail your workouts, such as busy periods at work, travel plans, or personal commitments that might clash with your fitness schedule.

  • Creating Contingency Plans: Develop strategies for dealing with common setbacks. For example, have a shorter, home-based workout ready for days when you can't make it to the gym, or explore local walking trails for times when you're traveling.

  • Setting and Adjusting Realistic Goals: Start with achievable workout frequencies and durations, gradually increasing them as your fitness improves. This prevents burnout and fosters a sense of accomplishment. If a setback significantly impacts your routine, be flexible and adjust your fitness goals accordingly. 

  • Tracking Your Progress and Celebrate Small Wins: Monitor your workouts and achievements and acknowledge every effort, no matter how small. Celebrate each workout completed, healthy meal choice, or step taken toward your goals. This reinforces positive behavior and keeps you motivated through the challenges. 

By proactively planning for setbacks, you're not just creating a fitness routine but also developing a resilient mindset that can withstand life's challenges. Remember, fitness is a journey, not a destination, and setbacks are simply opportunities to learn, adapt, and grow stronger.

Whether you're headed into a new academic year or just getting back into the gym, let's commit to prioritizing our fitness and well-being. Remember, big change comes from small steps. If you need support on your journey, please don’t hesitate to respond to this email or reach out to me directly! We got this!


Cardio Kings & Queens